Logo by Synaptic Graphics/Lisa Flaccavento

The Soldier Project

Bringing comfort, gratitude, and gifts to our wounded warriors

Soldier Returning Home, Source Unknown

Reuters  Photo girl with flower taken by Mike Segar

© Reuters Photo girl with flower taken by Mike Segar

The Soldier Project believes in the great legacy of the United States of America, and in the noble efforts of our valiant service men and women in securing and continuing that legacy. The Soldier Project is an arm of Flaccavento Ministries Outreach, a 501c3 Christian charity, Lisa Flaccavento / L. A. Woman (Screen Actors Guild), President. (Certification available upon request.)

Our goal is to bring assurances to our wounded troops returned from battle, through visitation, gifts, songs and words of spiritual comfort, and meeting of pressing needs, that their sacrifice and service have not been in vain.

Photo Taken By Sgt Dave Richardson at Yank Magazine

© Yank Photo taken by Sgt. Dave Richardson

GIVING: Any contribution will be helpful & is fully tax deductible.

Thank you gifts will be sent to you at certain levels of giving:
1. With a $500 (+) donation you will receive an autographed L. A. Woman photograph.
2. With a $1,000 (+) donation you will receive a Collector's Edition of L. A. Woman's first album, "Lady of the Angels: L. A. Woman is Here."
3. With a $1500 (+) donation you will receive both an autographed L. A. Woman photograph & a Collector's Edition of L. A. Woman's first album, "Lady of the Angels: L. A. Woman is Here."



Questions, pledges of support, or requests for proof of certification may be emailed to:
Please donate by mail. Make your check payable to:

Flaccavento Ministries Outreach.
Write in memo line: Soldier Project.
Send your tax deductible contribution to:
Flaccavento Ministries Outreach
P. O. Box 79102
Los Angeles, California 90079


  Photo from World War II Stories.com
  Close up of Vietnam Soldier Buddies  
Transparent Abe

"It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that

We here highly resolve...

that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation,

under God, shall have a new birth of freedom --

and that government of the people,

                                                by the people,

                                                                   FOR the people,

....shall not perish from the earth."

----Gettysburg Address:
President Abraham Lincoln,
November 19, 1863

Ghost Soldier in Cematary


Project Consultant:  Devin Burnam
Website Consultant:  Alan Dale
Website pre-production:  Dave Zumsteg
Logo created by: J.D. Cruser, Devin Burnam, L. A. Woman, Lawrence Billings, and designed by Lawrence Billings
Website created by Lawrence Billings & L. A. Woman, and designed & implemented by Lawrence Billings
Special thanks to David Pillinger at Reuters Pictures, and to Colonel Rivers Johnson, Army Community Relations, Division Chief, for their kind assistance in securing use of photographs.


Website Services provided by HIT Web Design
© 2010 Flaccavento Ministries Outreach