By Lawrence Billings

The Soldier Project

An Outreach Supporting our U. S. Service Men and Women, and our Military Operations in the Middle East Theaters by L.A Woman and Friends

Reuters: View of WTC from Brooklyn Bridge taken by Sara K. Schwittek
They Cry Peace... altered images found in various clipart banks, designed by Synaptic Graphics I HATE TO disillusion you, but Reality is not so simplistic that one can say: that fighting is always bad, and making peace is always good. It is often necessary to fight for what is good and making peace can be bad, simply because it is a false peace, where goodness has been compromised."

-------- from L. A. Woman's 1st Album of Songs and Stories,

The Collector's Edition;
© 2001 and released in 2002 a gift to you for a contribution of $1000 to this ministry


L. A. WOMAN: "It will be lovely to one day lay down our arms, when there is no more aggression in the world; but, for now, there is aggression in the world."

system id# RTR8YQB / image id# RP3DRICMFAAA / credit: Reuters/Sara K. Schwittek, system id# RTR910C / image id# RP3DRICPITAA / credit: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton, system id# RTR906T / image id# RP3DRICPLHAA / credit: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton
© Reuters: View of WTC from Brooklyn Bridge taken by Sara K. Schwittek, People escaping WTC by Shannon Stapleton, Dust and Debris from WTC explosion by Shannon Stapleton (from left to right) All photos are used with permission.
Soldier in Vietnam Credits Unknown Solidarity with Israel designed by Synaptic Graphics Young Vietnam Soldier, source unknown