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The Soldier Project

Lady of the Angels, CD Cover


L.A Woman

"IN THE 1960's, the Doors, after Alduous Huxley's 'The Doors of Perception,' became the greatest American superstar rock 'n roll group. Jim Morrison, its lead singer, was a prophet-visionary, who wove his insights loosely into music. Morrison had prophesied of an 'L. A. Woman,' 'a woman so alone,' 'a maiden with wrought iron soul' ...

Pictured and sampled below is the Collector's Edition of L. A. Woman's 1st Album of songs and stories, no longer on the market, and, offered to you as a gift, at certain levels of giving to our troops: "Lady of the Angels: L. A. Woman is Here," c 2001 Lisa Flaccavento /
aka L. A. Woman; with several representative song clips, and text excerpts.

Close up CD Cover: Lady of the Angels
Picture of L.A Woman Recording By Dave Zumsteg
L. A. Woman recording
photo by Dave Zumsteg
He That Dwells
  • He that dwells
  • in the secret place
  • of the Most High
  • shall abide
  • in the shadow
  • of the Almighty God
  • and shall say
  • to Him
  • thou art my refuge
LA Woman is Here CD Cover Don't Look Back  
  • Life, what is up ahead
  • no one knows the deal
  • sometimes you feel a weight of dread
  • like a burning steel
  • when the party crashes down
  • And you forget your name
  • earthquakes in divers lands
  • And then, Saddaam Hussein
  • oh, don't look back

from LA Woman Album I story "He that Dwells:"

"I finally fell off to sleep at about 4:30 a.m. I woke a few hours later. Groggy and still tired, I stumbled to the kitchen, put on the water for my cawffee, and, looked at the clock: 7:30 a.m., L. A. time. Normally, I don't turn on any media, whatsoever, 'till I've had at least one hour of morning prayer. But, something prompted me to, just to see if anyone was saying anything important. I touched the 'on' button to my radio, and these were the first words I heard:

'The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City Are No More !!
'A plane has crashed into the Pentagon; a part of the Pentagon is on fire!!
'Another plane has crashed, 80 miles south of Pittsburgh!!'
"I had that feeling of being in the wrong scene, or, hitting the wrong button.
I must have heard them wrong."

system id# RTRAFVW / image id# RP5DRIAHLAAA/ / credit: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton   system id# RTRI5O0F / image id# RP2DRIOSFHAA / credit: Reuters/Mike Segar
© Rueters photo of rescue workers carrying a mortally injured New York City fire department chaplain; by Shannon Stapleton © Reuters photo of a Lone Searcher, Searching the Debris of the Aftermath of the WTC Collapse by Mike Segar